An actual text message sent to Jeff on Thursday morning-----
I wish I had the evidence to show you this latest developmental milestone but our camera is currently MIA. After two solid weeks of not napping, Jeff and I decided it was time to reinstitute the dreaded sleep training with Eva, the napless wonder. Even though I know it's the best thing for her, it still wrenches my heart to hear Eva cry and not respond to her. That said, the other option doesn't work either, which is soothing and feeding. So, after two weeks of chasing a weary, crabby eight month old we finally started to sleep train again. Before doing so, I took her to the doctor to ensure that Eva didn't have a cold, ear ache, or any other physical malady. Our pediatrician, Dr. Heigel, highly recommended that we let her cry it out and also gently reminded us that Eva has always been a strong willed, opinionated baby who knows and gets what she wants (where on earth did she get these trait, we oftentimes wonder?). The sleep training is soooo much harder when they stand too, she warned us. Before she would fall asleep after 10-20 minutes. Now that Eva can stand, however, she can last a good 30-40 minutes before getting all tuckered out.
So, reluctantly, I let her cry for her morning nap on Thursday. She was clearly exhausted, well fed, and should have gone to sleep in an instant. But instead she wailed and cried and my presence at the door reassuring her that all was well every ten minutes just made it worse. After a half hour, I went in and rescued her from her misery and found that she had ate the crib in my absence. Obviously, she was protesting the inhumane conditions of her care, and leaving a mark for any future prisoners who might inhabit her domain. It was so heartbreaking to see and at that moment I caved and believed what all the attachment parenting advocates have been saying for so long. Surely she would need therapy and we were terrible parents. Baby Eva was covered head to toe in specks of brown furniture varnish and looked so pitiful I couldn't resist picking her up.
After rushing out to Babies R Us, we covered our crib in Gummy Rail, a product that I advise all parents to get BEFORE the baby ruins the crib. I re-read all of my sleep books and talked to several parents who offered sound advice. We reconvened with a modified approach to the Ferber method and are now on our second day of Sleep Training, Part II. Eva has had two consecutive days of two hour naps. Our happy, sweet bundle of joy is back! Hooray!
On May 23rd Eva Marie Walker entered our lives. This blog chronicles Eva's journey as well as her parents in this world.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Eva's Standing, Cruising, and Crawling...and our life will never be the same!
So, all I have to say is, "Thank you, Aunt Jean, for teaching Eva to Crawl." Ha! At first we thought it was cute to see Eva scamper across the living room but once we saw all the trouble that she got into we were wishing that we could rewind and enjoy the Golden Age of Infanthood a bit more. I've always said that five, six month old babies are delightful. They laugh, smile, play and are content to sit and play. Ever since Eva hit eight months she can't sit still for a moment. She has taken our house by storm in the last week and has systematically wreaked havoc on every inch of our 1600 square foot home. I know, I know, the doctor did warn us to baby proof at six months. We DID buy the baby-proofing equipment over the holidays but it has been a little crazy since then with my trip to Dallas and our childcare issues. So, the baby proofing equipment awaits in a big pile in the foyer. Jeff has been trying to do what he can over the weekend but it's a lot of work! In the meantime, Eva is delighting in getting into everything that she can and I am exhausted from chasing her.
Eva also had her first full blown cold this week. But not even that slowed her down. It just meant that I didn't even have her naps to recover. I'm hoping that she hits her stride this week with the crawling. I'll keep you posted with pictures, video, and anecdotes. ); Sorry for the radio silence, by the way. We'll be better about posting from now on.
Our girl loves her bath! She is such a little water baby like her mama. Thank goodness we don't live on a lake like we did when I was growing up or I'd be in a heap of trouble. I can't wait to take a waterbabies class with Eva in April. I have to tear this child away from her bath each day. When I say the word, "bath," she starts kicking, smiling with anticipation for the moment when she lands in the water.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Aunt Diana's and Uncle Bob's Visit
Today's Narrator is Jeff, aka Dad:
It must be the season for visits from aunts and uncles, as my sister and brother-in-law visited the week between Christmas and New Years, to meet Eva. It so good to have them with us, and there was clearly a mutual admiration between them and Eva. In fact, if I may be so bold, Bob is baby-crazy. Apparently there is truth to the statement that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Eva seems to have found a soft spot in his heart, and vice versa. Diana was wonderful with Eva, and taught us a thing or two along the way.
We really enjoyed having them stay with us. This was their first time visiting us in Seattle, but hopefully not their last. We ventured into the city a couple times to visit Pike Place Market, Seattle Center and the Space Needle, drove by the Troll in Fremont, and of course made a visit to the Harley store on 1st Ave. We also drove out to the mountains to see the views on the other side of Snoqualmie Pass, and had lunch at the Rogue Brewery here in Issaquah, and enjoyed and some of my favorite beers. And I would be a complete fool if I didn't acknowledge (with glee) that Diana and Bob (voluntarily) watched Eva one night while we went on a date. A DATE! Do you folks have any idea how long it has been since we had one of those???? Dinner at one of Tom Douglas' restaurants and then Avatar. Oh man, did it feel good.
I've got three words for Diana and Bob: Come back soon!

It must be the season for visits from aunts and uncles, as my sister and brother-in-law visited the week between Christmas and New Years, to meet Eva. It so good to have them with us, and there was clearly a mutual admiration between them and Eva. In fact, if I may be so bold, Bob is baby-crazy. Apparently there is truth to the statement that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Eva seems to have found a soft spot in his heart, and vice versa. Diana was wonderful with Eva, and taught us a thing or two along the way.
We really enjoyed having them stay with us. This was their first time visiting us in Seattle, but hopefully not their last. We ventured into the city a couple times to visit Pike Place Market, Seattle Center and the Space Needle, drove by the Troll in Fremont, and of course made a visit to the Harley store on 1st Ave. We also drove out to the mountains to see the views on the other side of Snoqualmie Pass, and had lunch at the Rogue Brewery here in Issaquah, and enjoyed and some of my favorite beers. And I would be a complete fool if I didn't acknowledge (with glee) that Diana and Bob (voluntarily) watched Eva one night while we went on a date. A DATE! Do you folks have any idea how long it has been since we had one of those???? Dinner at one of Tom Douglas' restaurants and then Avatar. Oh man, did it feel good.
I've got three words for Diana and Bob: Come back soon!
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