OK, so the top picture may be the most awesome picture ever of our daughter! I love the contrast of Eva's ear piercing scream and Wyatt's happy go lucky contenance after both of them were sprayed with a bucket of snow coming down the hill. Eva is such the drama queen! Whatever emotion she is feeling she feels it so intensely. To this day, it really takes my breath away. We were sledding the other day and had hiked to the top of our development for the best hill. It took us about 25 minutes to get there. She was properly bundled and she got a ride up the hill the entire way from her Clydesdale (insert mom here). Once we got to the top, Eva completely lost it and started screaming at the top of her lungs, "I'M FREEEEEEEZZZING!!!!! TAKE ME HOME!!! I"M FREEEEEZINNG!! Anyone walking by at that moment would have called me in to CPS for sure. She really made it seem like I was inflicting some serious harm on her. I tried as best as I could to hustle down the hill and get her home but it did take 25 minutes or so. Imagine 25 minutes of the sentence above repeated nonstop until we got home. I never knew how much temperment plays into the whole kid mix until I became a parent. The positive side of her heightened emotions is that when she is happy, you really feel it too. She did much better on day two of our sledding adventures for Snomeggedon 2012 and everyone could see her radiant smile and sparking eyes as she flew down the hill. Oh, how I love that girl!
That's my girl!