Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Songfest 2012 at Lakeside Montessori School was one of the highlights of my life for sure. As mothers we live for these moments. It's our paycheck, our moment of glory when our little ones are freshly scrubbed, primped and propped up for the entire world to see how lovely, charming, and delightful they can be. And she did not disappoint. My heart swelled with pride as my little girl took her place on the risers for her performance. She was right on cue with her teachers and didn't miss a beat. Eva only goes to preschool 2x a week for two and a half hours so the fact that she knew the songs so well impressed me. She didn't seem nervous at all. I think she's a natural performer. Her classmates couldn't be more adorable either with the little boys in suits, suspenders and the girls in their dresses. It was like Easter without having to sit through the mass. We celebrated Eva's big day with ice cream afterwards, which should be a tradition in my opinion. Happy Songest, y''all!