Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Story of the Flashlight

When Eva was en utero about a year ago we heard from our friends Jen and Chris that it was possible to get the baby to move towards the flashlight if you placed it on your belly. Jeff and I tried numerous times to try and get Eva to move but it just didn't work. In retrospect that should have been my first sign that I had a child in the making with a mind of her own! Once Eva emerged from the womb, we used the same flashlight to check on her in her bassinette which was right next to our bed. Like many nervous parents we checked numerous times throughout the night just to be sure. Now, this very same flashlight has evolved into Eva's favorite plaything. She discovered it on our bedside table and since then we have allowed her to claim it as her toy. Boy, does she love her flashlight! She delights in shaking it, shining it on objects, and eating it, of course!

1 comment:

  1. I hereby vow to try to the flashlight trick with belly baby and Kael! Looks like such a good and obvious toy. Why didn't I think of that?! GOOD LUCK on the flight! :)
