We had a wonderful Easter holiday yesterday with Eva. To say that I have been pining for a baby for Easter is an understatement. Some women spend most of their life planning for their wedding gown; I, on the other hand, envisioned my baby in her Easter outfit. Like a paper doll, I've imagined Eva in numerous dresses over the past year. I settled on a green linen number with pink rosebuds and detail in the smocking. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of the lovely pink velvet cape that she wore along with the dress. I know it's a bit petty and certainly materialistic to fixate on the Easter ensemble in this way but I just can't help myself! I have a weak spot for little girls in Easter dresses. There's something about fresh crisp linen, tights, and patent leather shoes that makes my heart skip a beat and ushers in the spring season. Maybe this fixation stems from the years I spent making clothes for my barbies. I was always a tomboy as a little girl yet I played with my barbies long after my friends had given theirs away. When my guidance counselor asked me what I wanted to be when I was a freshmen in high school, I didn't hesitate for a moment and proudly announced that I would be a fashion designer. I think I was the only student at my high school who had a full AP load AND took clothing classes in the home economics department. I've long since abandoned these aspirations but the interest lingers in children's clothing as well as my curious devotion to the show, "What Not to Wear."
Jeff and I put together Eva's Easter basket the night before by filling plastic Easter eggs with beans, pennies, quarters, and other interesting objects. She loved the different sounds they made and gave her signature wide jawed "oh wow" look every time she picked one up. We were able to capture this moment on video, not with the camera. Eva learned to walk two weeks ago, now she is running. So, we weren't able to get her to stop for a moment to get any decent shots. What I attached here is a carefully culled selection of photos from close to a hundred actual shots. Happy Easter, everyone!
Oh I love her little Easter dress! Totally acceptable to long for Easter for such materialistic reasons. It's your first Easter with a little girlie after all! :)