We've had a flu epidemic at our household for the past two weeks. it's been pretty brutal here with the stomach flu, hard core fever body ache flu, then all of the above morphed into a sinus infection for me and an ear/sinus infection for Eva. We're hurtin' big time. And my parenting has been at an all time low since most of the time I've been solo with Jeff out of town or at work. Yeah, that one hour of television per day is so out the window and my patience has been tested as I tried to nurse a cranky, demanding toddler while I was sick too.
That said, Eva's busted out with some pretty sweet phrases that have helped me hold on to what's most important: our love for each other. We've made a tradition of saying Grace every night that has morphed into prayers. This is the time when we try to think of people that we love who need our prayers and when we also give thanks for what we are grateful for. At a certain point, I turn to Eva and ask her what she is thankful for. Without skipping a beat, she always says, "Loch." Sometimes she adds "Loch, Nina, and Jon" (our good friends). Tonight she added, "I want to bless my love. My love for my family. I know that my mommy and daddy love me." It made me so happy I wanted to cry.
Then, when I put her to bed tonight, we were looking at her new sunshine clock. It's a clock that shines bright when she's supposed to get up and then shines blue at night when she is supposed to be sleeping. As I was holding Eva in my arms and she was gazing at the clock and said, "Momma, it's beautiful. My sunshine clock is so beautiful. (pause). It must be a momma." Both Jeff and I looked at her curiously and then I asked her, "Why do you think that the moon is a momma, Eva?" She thought for a moment and said, "Because she protects people and takes care of them."
Moments like this really make it all worth it, don't they? I definitely feel blessed tonight. Flu, and all.
Ahhhh Sweet little insightful Eva. Bless you both you lovely little sick duo! :)