Today Eva met her new friend, Claire Patricia Walsh. Our friends, Sean and Julie, welcomed her into the world three weeks ago. It's incredible to see Claire next to Eva and imagine that she was her size just two months ago. Everyone says that time goes by so quickly but it really does! We are thrilled that so many of our friends are having their first and second babies around the same time. Eva seemed to do pretty well with the drive and all the Sunday visits today.
On May 23rd Eva Marie Walker entered our lives. This blog chronicles Eva's journey as well as her parents in this world.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Eva's New Friend
Today Eva met her new friend, Claire Patricia Walsh. Our friends, Sean and Julie, welcomed her into the world three weeks ago. It's incredible to see Claire next to Eva and imagine that she was her size just two months ago. Everyone says that time goes by so quickly but it really does! We are thrilled that so many of our friends are having their first and second babies around the same time. Eva seemed to do pretty well with the drive and all the Sunday visits today.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Visit with the Oswalds
Last Sunday, our friends, Kjell and Kelly, invited the Walker clan over to dinner. The Oswalds welcomed Bjorn Oswald into their family a month and a half ago. Their daughter, Annika, was very sweet and helped me soothe Eva with "shushing" and even covered her with a blanket when she got cold. We had a great time enjoying the cool evening weather while we ate, drank, and tended to our babies. We really appreciated the kid friendly atmosphere to get out and enjoy ourselves. Also, an added bonus, Eva fussed minimally on the way there and only half the way home. Hopefully, she will get acclimated to her car seat over time.
Friday, August 14, 2009
First Weeks Class
For the last twelve weeks Eva and I have been going to a drop in parenting class called "First Weeks" at the Yoga Tree in Issaquah. It's led by a nurse-educator, Diana Solomon, and is loosely affiliated with the Seattle shop, Birth and Beyond. We've loved going to these classes for the past three months. Not only was it a great nudge for Eva and I to get out of the house, but it was also a great forum to hear what other moms were thinking, doing about different challenges that come up during the newborn stage. Since Eva is waking up to the world, she also has been enjoying all the stimulation of the class. She loves seeing all of the babies and watching the action going on in the room. You can see here in the photos above being held by Diana and also hanging out on the rug with her buddy, Lennon. We hope to create a follow up class on Friday evenings for those of us who would like to continue attending the class once we go back to work.
Work? Did someone say work?? Yes, I go back to work on Monday. I cannot BELIEVE how quickly the last three months went by.
It will be very hard to leave Baby Eva.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Roll, Baby Roll!
Stroller Ride
Last week Eva and I went out for a walk. Now, this may not seem like blog worthy material but if you know a little about her history , it certainly was a landmark event. Since her stroller is really the car seat with a frame, she throws a fit every time we try to take her out in it. Lately, we've tried to bring it out again and refashion it so that it looks more inviting. So, I added the luxurious pink blanket that her Great Aunt Patsy made for her and added a few toys as well. We got out of the door OK with her sweet ride loaded up with goodies. I locked the door and felt a momentary feeling of freedom and joy. Only then I realized that I had left the keys inside. Fortunately, Daddy rescued us and left the office to unlock the door again. I guess the important thing is that we got out and enjoyed some fresh air for a while. She did fuss a bit but I just stopped and rocked her a bit every few steps. She really gives a whole new meaning to interval training. All in all I'd call this venture a success!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Take Baby to Work Day
I took Eva to visit Jeff's co-workers at the University of Washington on Monday. She cooed, smiled, and gazed lovingly at everyone and made us out to be big fat liars about her fussiness and inconsolable cries. We dressed her up in her finest summer duds and worked hard for several days on her updo. Jeff had a great time ushering Baby Eva around his office introducing her to co-workers who have heard so much about her. Eva was especially smitten with Chris, Jeff's colleague who also has a baby that is nine months old. I'm not sure if babies are able to sense baby people in the way that dogs can but she sure was crazy about him.
Though Eva kept it together for the hour long visit at UW, she completely lost it and wailed for the entire car ride to UW and on the way back. It's a forty minute car ride so I was in complete hell wondering if I should pull over or if it would just prolong the agony. I called and left a voice mail message for Jeff with the sounds of our beautiful little Eva screaming as if she was immersed in hot oil. He offered to let his colleagues hear the message when they doubted his tales of fussiness. Chris, the one who charmed Eva, thought about it for a moment and then replied, "No, I'd rather remember her as she was today." I love that comment. Smart Man.
I'm glad that his colleagues got to see her in her best state. It's our worst nightmare if we take her somewhere to show her off and she flips out. If any of you seasoned parents have any suggestions for getting her acclimated to the car seat, we'd appreciate your tips For now, I have sworn off any road trips for more than ten minutes in length. So, to all of our friends on the other side of the lake, you will have to venture over the bridge to see Fussmunchkin until we ride out this stage. );
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