I took Eva to visit Jeff's co-workers at the University of Washington on Monday. She cooed, smiled, and gazed lovingly at everyone and made us out to be big fat liars about her fussiness and inconsolable cries. We dressed her up in her finest summer duds and worked hard for several days on her updo. Jeff had a great time ushering Baby Eva around his office introducing her to co-workers who have heard so much about her. Eva was especially smitten with Chris, Jeff's colleague who also has a baby that is nine months old. I'm not sure if babies are able to sense baby people in the way that dogs can but she sure was crazy about him.
Though Eva kept it together for the hour long visit at UW, she completely lost it and wailed for the entire car ride to UW and on the way back. It's a forty minute car ride so I was in complete hell wondering if I should pull over or if it would just prolong the agony. I called and left a voice mail message for Jeff with the sounds of our beautiful little Eva screaming as if she was immersed in hot oil. He offered to let his colleagues hear the message when they doubted his tales of fussiness. Chris, the one who charmed Eva, thought about it for a moment and then replied, "No, I'd rather remember her as she was today." I love that comment. Smart Man.
I'm glad that his colleagues got to see her in her best state. It's our worst nightmare if we take her somewhere to show her off and she flips out. If any of you seasoned parents have any suggestions for getting her acclimated to the car seat, we'd appreciate your tips For now, I have sworn off any road trips for more than ten minutes in length. So, to all of our friends on the other side of the lake, you will have to venture over the bridge to see Fussmunchkin until we ride out this stage. );
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