For the last twelve weeks Eva and I have been going to a drop in parenting class called "First Weeks" at the Yoga Tree in Issaquah. It's led by a nurse-educator, Diana Solomon, and is loosely affiliated with the Seattle shop, Birth and Beyond. We've loved going to these classes for the past three months. Not only was it a great nudge for Eva and I to get out of the house, but it was also a great forum to hear what other moms were thinking, doing about different challenges that come up during the newborn stage. Since Eva is waking up to the world, she also has been enjoying all the stimulation of the class. She loves seeing all of the babies and watching the action going on in the room. You can see here in the photos above being held by Diana and also hanging out on the rug with her buddy, Lennon. We hope to create a follow up class on Friday evenings for those of us who would like to continue attending the class once we go back to work.
Work? Did someone say work?? Yes, I go back to work on Monday. I cannot BELIEVE how quickly the last three months went by.
It will be very hard to leave Baby Eva.
Good Luck, Jen! I know this week will be tough but we'll work it out together! :) Eva will be in great hands!