Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fourth of July In Sammamish

We joke sometimes that Eva's life is just one bounce house after another, and, well, there's a lot of truth to that statement. On 4th of July Eva coasted from one bounce house to another at the Issaquah 4th of July celebration in the morning. She took a nap and recharged her battery only to experience the Sammamish 4th of July festivities with a park full of bounce houses. She had a great time taking in all the activities of the festivals with her friend, Loch, who is always by her side if fun is to be had.

Berry Picking

A Northwest tradition this time of year is to go berry picking with your little ones. Half the fun is eating the berries along the way! We had a picnic afterwards and enjoyed the fruits of our labor (couldn't resist inserting the cliched phrase here!). We made homemade strawberry shortcake that evening. It was berry, berry, fun. :)