Monday, August 10, 2009

Stroller Ride

Last week Eva and I went out for a walk. Now, this may not seem like blog worthy material but if you know a little about her history , it certainly was a landmark event. Since her stroller is really the car seat with a frame, she throws a fit every time we try to take her out in it. Lately, we've tried to bring it out again and refashion it so that it looks more inviting. So, I added the luxurious pink blanket that her Great Aunt Patsy made for her and added a few toys as well. We got out of the door OK with her sweet ride loaded up with goodies. I locked the door and felt a momentary feeling of freedom and joy. Only then I realized that I had left the keys inside. Fortunately, Daddy rescued us and left the office to unlock the door again. I guess the important thing is that we got out and enjoyed some fresh air for a while. She did fuss a bit but I just stopped and rocked her a bit every few steps. She really gives a whole new meaning to interval training. All in all I'd call this venture a success!

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