Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Love Affair with My Feet

If I could choose a phrase that sums up the fourth month I would definitely say "Eva's Love Affair with her Feet." At first Eva would stare at her feet with utter disbelief. It was as if she was saying, "how on earth did I get these lovely toes and fetching feet. Dang! There they are again!" Every time she looked down at her feet she fell in love with them again as if they suddenly appeared for the very first time. Some time about mid month this infatuation turned into a utilitarian affair. "Not only do I HAVE feet, but I can touch them, eat them, and kick with them. Oh my goodness! I can STAND on them too! What did I do before I had my toes." I never grow weary of watching Eva discover her feet and all that they can do. Month three was the hands, month four, the feet. What will month five be?


  1. Oh man those feet ARE cute! I see a fetish in her future! :) So darling!

  2. I am so glad she is no longer obsessed with crying! Feet are a great feat in Eva-terms!
