Monday, September 21, 2009

Four Month Check Up!

On September 14th Eva had her four month check up with Dr. Hiegel. I still can't believe that she is FOUR MONTHS OLD! Amazing. She weighed in at a solid fourteen pounds, three ounces, which puts her in the 70% for weight. Our little Rosebud is now a healthy 25 and 3/4 inches, which is in the 90%. Her head circumference, 16 1/4 inches, 65%. Her pediatrician continues to be very pleased with her growth and development in all respects. After weighing in, she got a massive dose of shots and this time she weathered them pretty well. I really think she is growing out of the colic. She even flashed Dr. Hiegel a few smiles during the check up. I'm just so happy to see her so healthy and happy!


  1. Congrats on your healthy Eva! It's a good sign you are calling her Rosebud instead of Fussmunchkin. She's a cutie! Her hair is growing long on the sides; she is a big girl now. Has she had her first haircut yet?

  2. She looks so big! We take Big K in for his two-month appointment on Monday and we'll see how far he tips the scales! Can't wait to catch up with you soon! I come back in October!
