Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Swimming Adventure with Maya

Eva had her first swimming adventure on Saturday with her friend, Maya. Since Maya's got a full eight months on Eva, she's a pro in the open water. So, Jen and I were pretty confidant that our little waterbabies would do just fine. As we approached the kiddie swimming pool, Maya started to get nervous and her trepidation started to influence Eva. Before long we had wimpering babies who would go nowhere near the water. We played outside the pool for a while with all of the pool toys and equipment. Eventually we started to coax the girls into the water and once we did they had a great time. The ladybug floater that I bought Eva was a big hit. I can't wait to take her again. In April I plan on taking swimming lessons with her. Before long she'll be swimming across lakes with her mamma!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love her little cheeks! Both sets! And the way her swimsuit accentuated them was probably INSANE! :) Don't you wish you could take her swimming daily?
